Małgorzata Mikocka.
She made her first violin at the age of 16. A graduate of A. Kenar’s College of Fine Arts in Zakopane in the class of violin-making and of the school of music. She continued her violin making and restauration studies at the I. J. Paderewski’s Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland under prof. Antoni Krupa. In 2005 she received the Master of Arts degree. Her thesis was on the construction of baroque violins. She worked in violin making workshops in Germany and Netherlands.
She draws inspiration for creating new models both from the work of the greatest Cremona masters (Amati, Guarneri, Stradivari) and from the Polish masters (baroque violin based on the Groblicz model). She constantly improves her models, striving to get the perfect sound from each carefully selected material.
“From an early age I was interested in both visual arts and music. I graduated from music school and the college of arts. However, it was not enough for me. What gives me the greatest satisfaction is the possibility of combining both of these areas. It is the violin making that gives me such an opportunity”.